For current high school schedules, please go to our online scheduling database (rSchoolToday) using the links on this page. For help navigating the high school schedule site, use the HS Athletic Schedules Help Sheet.
Contact Information
Mike Biermaier, Activities Director
(701) 787-4869
Tony Bina, Athletic Director at Grand Forks Central High School
(701) 787-4064
Tyler Nelson, Athletic Director at Red River High School
(701) 746-2205, ext. 6803
Lexy Lee, Administrative Assistant
(701) 787-4868
Department Fax: (701) 787-4355
- Middle School Athletic Calendar
- Grand Forks Central Schedules
- Red River Schedules
- HS Athletic Schedules Help Sheet
- Eastern Dakota Conference (EDC) Website
- Grand Forks Tournaments
- National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS)
- National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA)
- North Dakota High School Coaches Association (NDHSCA)
- Western Dakota Association (WDA) Website