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About the Grand Forks Public Schools Teachers Hall of Fame

The Teachers Hall of Fame was created in 1995 by the Grand Forks Foundation for Education and Alumni Network as a means to publicly thank and recognize outstanding and memorable retired educators who have made an impact on students. The Hall of Fame also is a means to honor the teaching profession as a whole for its vital role in shaping the future of individuals and society.

To be eligible for the Teachers Hall of Fame, teachers must have been retired from Grand Forks Public Schools for at least one year; they may have been former elementary or secondary classroom teachers, administrators, counselors, or librarians.

Inductees are selected every other year by the Alumni Network Advisory Committee.

Nominations of retired educators are accepted by former students, colleagues, or the general public. You can submit a nomination at any time by visiting

For more information, please visit or contact Emilia Hodgson, Executive Director of the Grand Forks Foundation for Education, at (701) 787-4866, or