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Grand Forks Public Schools is committed to the establishment and support of a planned and systematic communications process between the school system and its stakeholder groups. We are committed to keeping the lines of communication open and being proactive by providing the most up-to-date information in a variety of formats to most effectively reach multiple audiences through:

  • A strategic communications plan that aligns with district goals and objectives to create a “one-clear-voice” concept when delivering information to stakeholders;

  • To develop branding and marketing strategies for the school district;

  • To develop communication and customer relations standards for all internal employees;

  • To continually research and evaluate preferred methods of communication for all stakeholder groups; and

  • To promote a proactive approach with news media.

Grand Forks Public Schools recognizes the role of the media in providing news and information to the community. It is the role of the Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator to assist in providing information about the district in a timely and accurate manner. Pursuant to Grand Forks School Board policy, members of the news media are asked to contact the Communications Office with requests to interview, photograph, or film administration, teachers, staff, and students.