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Endowments & Restricted Funds for Granting

Foundation Mini Grants provide new and enriched educational opportunities across all subject areas in the Grand Forks Public Schools. Grant funding is derived from income on investments from direct donor contributions or from the re-granting of major gifts. From these funding sources, the Foundation:

  • Helps bring learning to life with hands-on experiences, materials, field trips, and specialized equipment in the areas of science and math.

  • Prepares students to be competitive in the job market with 21st-century technology.

  • Increases opportunities for students to express themselves through music, drama, and visual arts.

Funding is provided within four broad categories of interest.

  • Special projects that support teaching and learning.

  • Imaginative opportunities for new curricula.

  • Enriched libraries and fine arts.

  • Professional development for educators.

Mental Health

Sources of Strength Endowment is a positive, proactive program for schools and communities that addresses the prevention of suicide, bullying, and substance abuse.

Music, Drama, and Arts

Bartholomew-Zimmerman Theatre Arts Fund for theatre arts needs at Central High School.

Summer Performing Arts Endowment to support the SPA program for remedial or advanced performing arts.

Elementary Art Endowment for under-funded visual arts in Grand Forks elementary schools.

Adeline Bjork Art Education Fund for visual arts in Grand Forks high schools.

Math, Science, and English

Banik Family Trust for chemistry and science at Central High School.

Dufwa-Schild Academic Fund for math and English needs at Central High School.

Wayne Peterson Science and Aerospace Fund for elementary student experiences relative to “anything that flies.”

Steve Robinson Endowment for grants to enrich the education of students and physics, chemistry, biology, and foreign language at any grade.

TAC Environmental Science Restricted Fund will fund special projects in the science classrooms of Grand Forks Central High School.

Field of Interest Funds

Bill and Shirley Brown Endowment for Education for grants to enrich all areas of the curriculum in the Grand Forks Public Schools.

CF Industries Fund for innovative classroom projects that incorporate agriculture or the environment, with top priority on projects that focus on water quality education.

Linda Christenson Humanities Endowment to provide first-hand experiences in performance, literature, writing, languages, or other humanities subjects.

Bjertness Staff Development Endowment for grants that develop or improve teaching skills.

Lunn Family Grant Endowment for unrestricted grant projects for Grand Forks Public Schools.

Flood of Kindness Fund to help schools nationwide who are recovering from disasters and unrestricted grants for Grand Forks Public Schools.

Shirley Kuhn Fund to help with special projects at J. Nelson Kelly Elementary.

Gertrude Wiegman Fund to help support elementary library and field trip needs.

Nathan Wyum Endowment to fund special needs or projects at Schroeder Middle School.

 Permanently restricted endowed funds are the backbone of the Foundation’s funding for grants and scholarships. They enrich students’ educational experiences in many academic areas. Named endowments are often arranged as a lasting tribute to or in memory of a notable educator, family member, or student. A named endowment provides a legacy of support for an educational program or scholarship.

To learn more about establishing an endowment, please contact executive director Emilia Hodgson, Executive Director, at 701-787-4866 or