The Giving Tree Pantry
The Grand Forks Foundation for Education, with support from Grand Forks Public Schools, established “The Giving Tree” in the Spring of 2021. This internal pantry stocks critical items for our students in need and their families. Personal care products, essential household items, school supplies, snacks, and more.
“We are aware of the challenges faced by our students and families. Our intent is to engage and support each of our students and in doing so provide essential resources that both meet needs and communicate our care for them as residents in our community,” said Jennifer Modeen, school social worker and homeless liaison. “We know and embrace the evidenced-based facts that the social and emotional wellbeing of our students and families is essential to their success in our school and community.”
The initial funding for the pantry took place on Giving Hearts Day, February 11, 2021. We had over 275 donors support “The Giving Tree” during the annual, 24-hour fundraiser. The Monique and Jocelyne Lamoureux Foundation provided matching funding, as well as facilitated a generous donation of feminine products from Procter & Gamble.
“Once again, the Monique and Jocelyne Lamoureux Foundation has stepped up and supported our students in need and their families,” said Emilia Hodgson, executive director. “We are grateful for their continued generosity and for always ‘cheering for the one behind!’”
To support this effort, please visit and select “The Giving Tree" from the drop-down menu. If you have any questions, email Emilia Hodgson at