The Grand Forks Special Education Unit (GFSEU) provides services to all eligible children with disabilities ages three through twenty-one. A free appropriate public education (FAPE) is provided as per the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This free appropriate public education refers to special education and related services, described in each child's individualized educational program (IEP) and provided to the child in the least restrictive environment. The majority of the students served by the GFSEU are educated in the regular classrooms with non-disabled peers with supportive aids and services as determined by each child's IEP team. A continuum of services is available including consultative service, pull-out service, resource room, self-contained classroom and homebound/hospital service. The appropriate service is selected from the continuum by the IEP team, based on the child's individual needs. It is the vision of the Grand Forks Special Education Unit that an educational climate will exist where diversity and individuality are celebrated and respected; and where all teachers accept and meet the challenge of enhancing the learning of all students.
Contact Information:
701-746-2230 (department phone number)
701-746-2475 (department fax number)